Teaching about design

I am passionate about teaching what I have learned to students from all different backgrounds. Here are a few of my favorite engagements (not an exhaustive list):

  • Teaching Design Research and Writing to undergraduates at San Francisco State University as a Lecturer

    • Designed, developed and delivered an online course on design research and writing; graded assignments; held office hours

    • Student feedback: “I really enjoyed having Devika as my professor. She is very knowledgeable and open to any changes. She created a course that reflected what students wanted and liked. I hope she teaches more classes other than DES 324 in the future.”

  • Teaching Human-Centered Design at UCSF (via 10 week course and through workshops with medical students and residents)

    • Designed, developed and delivered weekly lectures on human-centered design in healthcare; graded assignments

    • Student feedback: “Incredible knowledge of approaching curriculum development and nice introduction to human centered design. Clear that the instructor has a lot of good information to share. I really appreciated Devika Patel's delivery of information to the audience.”

  • Guest lecturer at various universities, including Mt Sinal School of Medicine and Georgia Tech University

    • Designed, developed, and delivered one hour lectures on HCD for health equity

I am always interested in teaching, so if you have any leads or opportunities, feel free to send them my way (devikapatel94@gmail.com).

All photos are pre-COVID-19 pandemic (hence no face masks/social distancing).